Trump’s Claim of Breakthrough Cure is Actually an Old-School Treatment

In his presscon last Aug. 23, Trump announced the USFDA’s emergency use approval of convalescent plasma as COVID-19 cure; hailing it as a major breakthrough. . The announcement came after Trump accused the agency of slow-walking the assessment of coronavirus cures and vaccines, but was nevertheless appeased when the USFDA granted approval of convalescent plasma for emergency treatment of COVI-19 patients.

Scientists and medical professionals in the scientific community had reacted negatively to Trump’s breakthrough description of the convalescent plasma, as that is not the case. Moreover, many have reservations about the efficiency of plasma use as treatment for COVID-19.

Contrary to Trump’s claim that the USFDA’s emergency use approval was based on scientific data supporting the safety and efficiency of plasma, the agency had merely based its plasma approval on some Mayo Clinic studies that did not include scientific requirements for proper controls and randomizations.

What is Convalescent Plasma and Why the Science Community Does Not Recommend It as Treatment for the Current Pandemic

Convalescent plasma as the science experts explain is old school treatment that was in use to fight the outbreak of epidemics prior to the 1918 flu. Plasma refers to the blood taken from COVID-19 patients who recovered, as they already contain antibodies that helped in fighting the virus.

When administered as emergency use on patients critically ill with coronavirus disease, it is theoretically believed that the convalescent plasma can help the patient’s body produce additional antibodies that can strengthen their immune system

However, the transfer of convalescent plasma can only be recommended as a remedy for worst cases of COVID-19 infections. The World Health Organization gives caution that despite more than 70 clinical studies worldwide, the use of convalescent plasma for the treatment of COVID-19 has not yet been clinically proven.

Why the Scientific Community is Skeptical about the Mayo Clinic Findings on Plasma Use

The Trump Administration’s basis in pushing the USFDA to approve emergency use of plasma is said to be largely based on a report recently released by Mayo Clinic. The report said that the results of the Mayo study show that giving plasma to COVID-19 patients within 3 days of hospitalization, had lowered the hospital’s death rate by 3.2 %.

The authors of the Mayo Clinic report said that plasma is safe, but had added that on its own, the findings do not provide any proof that convalescent plasma is effective as treatment for COVID-19. Moreover, the study is still subject to peer-review, aside from the fact that Mayo Clinic’s findings lacked data based on randomization and controls.

Dr. Eric Topol, Director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, told The Washington Post that the Mayo Clinic studies are merely exploratory analyses that do not prove anything. To declare the result as a medical breakthrough, jeopardizes possibilities of ever getting the truth.

Prior to the USFDA’s approval for the emergency use of plasma, top science experts including Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID, hard urged the agency to reconsider. They consider the Mayo Clinic results as relatively weak due to the lack of robust data that can be derived from randomized control trials.

Sen. Romney Took the High Road, Voted Trump Guilty of Abuse of Power

Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) took the high road by being the lone Republican to vote “guilty” on the abuse of power impeachment charge against Donald Trump. It was a decision that Senator Romney knew would earn the ire of Donald Trump and all the Republican supporters behind the latter.

The Utah senator was aware of the consequences of his decision but nonetheless stood pat on his ground, because for him, it was more important to carry out his duty of defending and preserving the Constitution. Although many Republicans now brand him as a traitor, the senator’s action will be remembered well in history; as opposed to the shameless Trumpian senators who chose to ignore all evidence and testimonies, even at the start of the senate impeachment trial.

In an interview with The Washington Post before delivering his “guilty” vote, Senator Romney said there is no question the U.S. president asked a foreign leader to investigate his political adversary for a political purpose. It was clear that Trump put pressure behind the request in order to get the Ukraine President to cooperate in the Biden investigation. As a prelude to his impeachment trial speech, Sen. Romney made it clear that he will vote to convict because in his own view,

”There is not much I can think of as a more egregious assault on the Constitution than trying to corrupt an election just to maintain power, which is what president Trump did.”

Why Sen. Romney Voted to Acquit Trump on Obstruction Charge

Even before the final voting on whether to acquit or convict Trump, the senator of Utah already expressed views that threw support for the calling of more evidence and witnesses. Sen. Romney had wanted to hear what Bolton had to say because

“I was hoping beyond hope that Trump’s defense team would present exculpatory evidence, to remove me from the responsibility of voting what my conscience was telling me”…”That is one of the reasons that I wanted to hear from Bolton, as I had hoped his testimony would raise reasonable doubt.”

Senator Romney though, acknowledged the fact that Trump barred the White House key administration officials with firsthand knowledge from further releasing documents or giving testimony to the House Managers led by Representative Adam Schiff. Despite the acknowledgment, the Utah senator decided to acquit Trump of the obstruction charge. Senator Romney said he believes that the House committees who handled the impeachment proceedings should have taken the time to bring the matter to court.

Many Expats are Realizing the Benefits of Living in Canada

Many Canadian expats are now seriously considering an important decision they have been contemplating on — returning home. The benefits of living in Canada have sunk into their consciousness now that Canadian cities like Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto rank as the 5th, 6th and 7th respectively, in the 2019 list of “Top Ten Most Livable Cities in the World.”

The Tangible and Intangible Benefits of Living in Canada

Some of the important benefits that Canada offers to its expatriates include freedom and a government that citizens can trust for their safety and well-being; whilst staying close to family and being with friendly faces in congenial places. Those are some of the things that Canadian expats missed while taking up residence in another country.

Even more attractive is the idea of returning to Canada’s amazingly beautiful nature, where many of the forests, mountains, rivers and lakes remain untouched by commercial and industrial developments. Actually, living in the city of Toronto means being surrounded by 1,600 urban parks where children can recreate safely and where the entire family can spend moments of leisure without having to go far.

High Taxes and High Cost of Living in Canada

Among the drawbacks that many expats consider when deciding to return to Canada are the high taxes and the high cost of living. Yet when compared to other countries, taxes in Canada also go to providing free education and health care. In Canada, a great part of the country’s education are publicly funded, while ordinary health care costs are free, except dental costs, long-term care, in-home care and prescription drugs.

In fact, immigrants are drawn to Canada because here, people can be of any race, religion, creed or color and enjoy a life free of discrimination. Moreover, racialized citizens can earn, nearly as much as any law-abiding Canadian citizens. It is noteworthy that the Canadian Human Rights Commission is actively taking part in ensuring that there is no place for hatred and bigotry in the country.

Going back to Canada is undoubtedly challenging as far as looking for new employment and affordable housing is concerned. Yet once you get those issues covered, there is no shortage of trans moving firms that can help you transport your stuff home to Canada.

Easy Moving company for one, a Toronto-based transmoving firm employs not only highly experienced crew of movers but also throws in 100% guarantee of providing quality moving service. Their contract agreement includes insurance coverage for your personal items and furniture, as well your property.

Trump’s Big Ego Gets a Beating as World Series Crowd Shame Him with Boos and “Lock Him Up” Chant

Donald Trump’s famous “big ego” finality got hit with reality as several video footages of how he was booed and heckled with “lock him up” chants at the World Series Game 5, went viral.

The crowd’s reaction is obviously a big blow to this U.S. president’s self-conceit, as he is well-known for making claims about huge crowds warmly receiving him, (even when there is none); or for saying he is the greatest and the most adored U.S. president ever (even if he is not.)

Apparently Trump was feeling smug and confident after having announced a few hours earlier that U.S. forces had succeeded in killing ISIL/ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Trump attended the 5th Game of the ongoing World Series, for the first and probably the last time, since he took the seat of power in the Oval Office.

The announcement of Trump’s presence was timed to follow a shot of US troops that was shown after the third inning. Apparently, Trump had expected the cheers for the U.S. troops to grow louder once his presence in the lower box was announced. That of course did not happen because the cheers all to soon faded and replaced with thunderous boos and shouts of lock-him-up.

Instead of receiving cheers of approval for the ISIS feat, the “lock-him-up” chant reminded him instead that majority of the American voters want him behind bars for abusing his presidential power. In fairness to Trump, he reacted with dignity by continuing to smile and wave at the small crowd of Trump supporters nearby.

No Tweets Coming from Donald Trump

Also known for being one to react fast with tweets to either praise or berate those who oppose him, Donald Trump’s tweeting fingers seemed to be at a loss on what to type. That is considering that Twitter flooded with various tweets; all reporting and reposting videos of the thunderous boos and heckling that went his way the moment the stadium attendees saw him on the big screen.

World Series Heckling Not the First Incident in which Trump’s Big Ego was Deflated

The World Series heckling brings to mind how Trump in his usual boisterous speech drew laughter instead of applause from the attendees of the UN General Assembly held in New York last year, September 2018. In addressing world leaders, state officials and diplomats coming from different countries, Trump simply repeated his favorite rally lines about “his administration having accomplished the most ever recorded in the history of the country.”

Surprised that the crowd laughed instead of giving him a round of applause, Trump could not keep himself from saying that he did not expect such a reaction. He later told reporters that he really intended to make the audience laugh.

The World Series heckling incident is different though, because it received real-time, worldwide media coverage..
